Wedding Tuxedos and Suit Styles to Rent and Buy in Los Angeles
Groom Suits Rental Sales In North Hollywood

We can get your groomsmen matching tuxedos in as little as a week’s notice!

Here are some FAQ about wedding tuxedos
When should I reserve my tuxedo?
Its never too early to shop for your tuxedos. In general, you should start picking out the men’s formalwear after you have bought the wedding dress, and decided on the colors and style of the bridesmaid dresses. The first visit should be with your fiancé to decide on the styles of the groom’s and attendant’s tuxedos. Based on the colors of the wedding, you can choose vests or cummerbunds for the attendants. The groom should always insist on trying his tuxedo as a precaution; choosing from a picture can be deceiving.
How do I decide on accessories?
Generally, the attendants wear accessories associated with the colors that are chosen for the wedding. Full back vests are the newest items in men’s formalwear. They are more comfortable and will make you look like you own your tuxedo because most tux shops don’t carry full back vests. We have the largest selection of full back vests in stock in the Los Angeles area. They come in all colors and various styles. The professionals at Gregory’s will help you choose the accessories for your party. Another important accessory is the shoe. We have three beautiful styles to chose from. The entire wedding party should wear the same type of shoes in order to keep the party in unison and to assure a good look. You can try on all of these accessories at our store until you find the right ones.
Who should wear a tuxedo?
The Groom and attendants of course, but not exclusively. The ring bearer and candle boys should also be in a tuxedo. The fathers will look and feel better in a tuxedo rather than a suit. After all, it wouldn’t look good if the bride’s father gave her away in a suit. It would also be a big compliment to the grandfathers to have them wear a tuxedo. Today’s weddings are now calling for guests to wear tuxedos as well. The way to do this is to write Black Tie Invited.
Many of my attendants are out of town. How do I get them fitted?
You can print out the form at the bottom and take it to any Tuxedo shop in the country. They will give you a courtesy fitting, and then you can fax, call in, or E-mail us the measurements and we will prepare the tuxedos that you choose for that person.
What if something doesn’t fit?
All Alterations are included when you rent a tuxedo from us. We insist that you try on your tuxedo before picking it up. If there is something wrong, all our stock is on the premises. We can either alter or change your tuxedo in ten minutes. Never rent a tuxedo from a store that does not carry the tuxedos at the location you are visiting. Also ask if alterations are done on the premises. If the answer is no then do not rent at that location.
Please print out this handy measurement form and take it to your local formalwear shop for a courtesy fitting.
Does wearing a rental tuxedo expose you to a COVID risk?
Every part of a tuxedo is dry cleaned with high temperatures every time it is rented. It has been proven that the virus cannot survive at temperatures over 149F degree. The dry Cleaning process is over 200F. Therefore there is no risk of infection from the clothing. The only risk would be when you are measured, you do have to be in close proximity. If you and the employee wear a mask the risk is minimal.